Digital Innovation for Development in Africa (DIDA) PhD Fellowships 2022 for healthcare professionals Leave a comment


Application Deadline:  13th May 2022, 5 pm BST

Funding for PhD Fellowships aimed at developing and evaluating the potential of digital diagnostics to tackle major infectious disease challenges in Africa. 10 PhD fellowships are available for African nationals to join a unique programme developing the next generation of diagnostics for African Healthcare Systems.

DIDA is delighted to announce a unique opportunity to undertake PhD research, supported by an international network of experts, developing digital diagnostics as transformative technologies for African Healthcare systems. DIDA have 10 fully funded PhD fellowships starting in 2022, with projects spanning a range of disciplines including molecular diagnostic test development, clinical evaluation, health systems research, design engineering, and data modelling. Successful applicants will be based at African institutions and will be part of a close-knit cohort, receiving bespoke training in diagnostic development and professional skills which will equip them to be future leaders in this field.


  • Applicants must be nationals of an African country and be suitably qualified to enter a PhD program at the host University. DIDA expect that successful applicants will have a track-record of academic excellence, with a first class or upper second class (or equivalent) undergraduate degree and a relevant Masters degree (or clinical qualification).
  • Applicants who do not have these qualifications but believe that they have equivalent relevant research or industrial experience should explain this clearly in their letter of motivation.


  • Each student will have additional travel and training allowances to enable them to undertake research and/or specific training courses as appropriate to their project and needs, and DIDA anticipate brining all students together in years 1 and 3, to cement their relationships with one another.


  • Applications open: 8th April 2022, 12 pm BST 
  • Applications close: 13th May 2022, 5 pm BST
  • Interview invitations sent by: 1st June 2022
  • On-line Interviews: week commencing 13th June 2022
  • Provisional outcome notifications: by 1st July 2022

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Digital Innovation for Development in Africa (DIDA) PhD Fellowships 2022


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