Here are the agendas for school boards, city council, Amarillo



Potter County Commissioners’ Court

9 a.m.: Potter County Commissioners’ Courtroom, 500 S. Fillmore, Room 106

Consider and act on the Approval of Installment #4 to the Potter County Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) Investment Plan, as recommended by the ARPA Committee; adopting the County Clerk Records Archive Plan for the 2023-2024 annual budget; request from the Sheriff’s Office to supplement the Mental Health Supervisor salary with funds from the commissary account; contract between Potter County and TDFPS; Panhandle Auto Burglary Theft Unit purchase for automated license plat reader and one upgrade of automated license plate reader; purchases for Fire Rescue; RFB 1225-23 to Moving Solutions Experts; funding source for the three additional SRO; proposed budget for 2023-24; with Monday, Aug. 28, at 9 a.m. as public hearing on the budget; approve the publication of proposed increases in salaries, expenses and allowances for elected county and precinct officers; creation of a position for the Potter County Public Information Officer; optional fees for the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles regarding county road and bridge fee and child safety fee; receive a report and discuss the current status of the Carol Wind Project by NextEra Energy; adding three (3) Sheriff’s Office vehicles to the county insurance; various Potter County Projects; executive session, if necessary.

Library Advisory Board

4 p.m.: East Branch Library, 2232 E 27th

Presentation and discussion by the Director of Library Services on Current Departmental Issues and Activities: FY 2023-2024 Library Budget, Friends of the Library, Programming and events at all APL locations, Downtown Library Mural update, Stories of Exile program series, Texas cloudLink, East Branch Activities.

City of Canyon Commission

4:30 p.m.: Commission Chambers of City Hall, 301 16th St., Canyon

Consider and take appropriate action on the following: Proposed Tax Rate, and setting a Public Hearing of the Proposed Tax Rate for 4:30 p.m. Aug. 28; Siren Maintenance Agreement; first reading of a Resolution approving a Project Funding Agreement between Nester Apiary, LLC and Canyon Economic Development Corporation (CEDC) relating to direct financial assistance for business expansion; resolution approving Project Funding Agreement between Pondaseta Brewing Co., LLC and CEDC; resolution approving a negotiated settlement between the Executive Committee of Cities Served by Atmos West Texas (“Cities”) and Atmos Energy Corp,. West Texas Division regarding the company’s 2023 Rate Review Mechanism Filing; declaring existing rates to be unreasonable, adopting tariffs that reflect rate adjustments consistent with the negotiated settlement; resolution denying Southwestern Public Service Company’s proposed rate increase request; contract with Azavar on short term rentals in Canyon; annexing territory to include The Lumber Yard; repairs at Brown Road Railroad Crossing, Quiet Zone, and Future of Brown Road; executive session and action on items discussed.

Amarillo Independent School District

5:30 p.m.: Amarillo ISD, 7200 Interstate 40 West

Remarks from Dr. Walter Wendler, President of West Texas A&M University; Superintendent’s Report: report on Storybridge and the partnership agreement for a Birth-to-5 initiative, update on installation of air-conditioning in elementary school gymnasiums and recognition of Maintenance crews, update on academic activities; action items: proposed Settlement Agreement in litigation; designating a Delegate and an Alternate to the 2023 Texas Association of School Boards Delegate Assembly at the TASA/TASB Convention; interlocal agreement between Amarillo College and Amarillo ISD for instructional services, including an agreement for dual credit courses; interlocal agreement between Randall County Juvenile Board and Amarillo ISD for Educational Services; first reading revised Policy CV(LOCAL) Facilities Construction; issuance of School District Teaching Permits for two career and technical education teachers; resolution designating District non-business days for Public Information Act timelines; revised 2023-2024 Student Code of Conduct and review changes to the 2023-2024 Student Handbook; consider adopting a resolution finding good cause for alternative compliance to HB3 requirements for armed security officers, by potentially creating a school Guardian program; consider approving the implementation of the Defender Program (Guardian plan) in District schools and delegating authority to the Superintendent to develop rules and procedures to implement the Defender Program; first reading revised Policy CKE(LOCAL) Safety Program/Risk Management Security Personnel; purchase of additional vehicles for Amarillo ISD Police Department officers; proposed Settlement and Release Agreement for property damage claim with American Home Assurance Company related to hail damage to facilities occurring on or about June 8, 2017, and possible action on Settlement and Release Agreement; consent agenda items: acceptance of gifts to the District, District budgeted purchases: Don Harrington Discovery Center annual contract, field lights and poles for Dick Bivins Stadium; review on first reading Policy Manual Update 121, affecting local policies; report regarding incidents of vandalism or damage to District property; discussion regarding Districtwide intruder detection audit report findings and other safety and security issues; monthly financial reports; personnel items.

Canyon Independent School District

6 p.m.: Canyon ISD District Support Center, 3301 N. 23rd St.

(Executive session until approximately 7 p.m.); recognize student and staff achievements; superintendent communications: preparations for the School Year, Informational Update on Library Materials, Recent and Upcoming Events; WTAMU Update with Dr. Wendler; appoint delegate for the TASA/TASB Convention; consideration and action on the method of filling the Trustee Vacancy Place 1; consideration and action to approve an order calling a Special Election for Place 1 (Unexpired Term) and accepting candidate applications; Safety and Security Update; deliberation concerning the implementation of a Guardian Program and/or security personnel to ensure compliance of Texas Government Code; first reading of Board Policy Updates to GKA (LOCAL), DH(LOCAL), and CKED(LOCAL); consideration and action to approve School Health Advisory Council/School Nutrition Advisory Committee for 2023 2024; Summer Projects Update; Monthly Financials; expedited waivers Related to the 2023-2024 School Year; Student Code of Conduct for 2023-2024; Policy Update 121; T-TESS Appraisers for the 2023-2024 School Year; personnel items.

River Road Independent School District

6 p.m.: Central Administration Bldg., 9500 US Hwy. 287 North

Administrator’s Update: Student Handbooks; Superintendent’s Report: District Update, Personnel Items; Monthly Financials; Condensed Budget Report; 2023-2024 Employee Handbook; action items: acceptance of contributions to the District; consider innovation teacher; 2023-2024 Teacher Appraisal Calendar; Alternate Appraisers; 2023-2024 District Student Code of Conduct; Quarterly Investment Report; renewal of membership in Walsh Gallegos’ Retainer Program; resolution regarding Extracurricular Status of 4-H Organization; Adjunct Faculty Agreement; 2023-2024 District Improvement Plan; Workers Compensation Insurance Renewal; non-suit for the High School Roof Lawsuit; 2023 Tax Rate Adoption; Budget Amendment No. 1; Fencing Project Contract.


Amarillo College Board of Regents

(Special meeting) noon: Palo Duro Room, College Union Building – 2nd floor, Washington Street CampusCollege president; city of Amarillo offer to purchase land for the construction and operation on a fire station;AC/AISD master interlocal agreement and dual credit agreement; consideration of tax rate for 2023; set the date toadopt the tax rate for 2023 and schedule a public hearing.

Amarillo City Council

(Work Session) 1 p.m.: City Hall – Council Chamber, 601 S. Buchanan St., 3rd Floor

Executive session – receive reports on or discuss appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee: Jared Miller, City Manager.

Amarillo City Council

(Regular Meeting) 3 p.m.: City Hall – Council Chamber, 601 S. Buchanan Street, 3rd Floor

Proclamation: “Panhandle PBS Day”; public comment; resolution authorizing an application for the 2023 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistant Grant; resolution that permits the City of Amarillo’s participation in future tax abatements involving reinvestment zones and specifies the guidelines and criteria for that participation; considers the acceptance of the dedication of four Public Utility Easements; Aviation Clear Zone Easement; annual supply contracts for the Street Division; advertising annual contract; non-consent items: rezoning to change from Agricultural District to Heavy Commercial District, vicinity: Interstate 40 and Juett Attebury Rd., applicant: Drew Donosky for Attebury Farm, LLC and Buc-ee’s Amarillo, LLC; discuss and consider the proposed tax rate for maintenance and operation and debt service for the proposed 2023/2024 City of Amarillo fiscal year budget; considers a resolution denying Southwestern Public Service Company’s proposed rate increase request; considers a resolution approving the proposed operating budget for the fiscal year 2023-2024 for the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation; considers a resolution nominating Bell Textron, Inc. and BSA Hospital, LLC as qualified businesses and enterprise projects to the Texas Enterprise Zone program; considers a resolution requesting the dissolution of the Amarillo First Responders’ Excellence and Innovation Fund; consider award – sidewalk construction services in the San Jacinto Neighborhood Plan area as part of the neighborhood association’s cost-share program; considers the award of a five-year lease agreement for 549.255 acres at the Hollywood Road Wastewater Treatment Facility to allow for grazing on the land; consider award – contract for demolition and installation of new LED walking path, area safety lighting, and lighting control systems for Sam Houston Park, San Jacinto Park and Medical Center Park; change order No. 3 for 34th Avenue pump station switchgear replacement.

Bushland Independent School District

6 p.m.: Bushland Intermediate School/Room 101, 2400 Wells St.

Resolution to recognize State and National Speech and Debate Qualifiers; consent agenda: donations and amendments; 2023-2024 Staff Salaries and Salary Schedule, 2023-2024 District Improvement Plan, 2023-2024 Student Handbook, Superintendent Report: enrollment, personnel.


Amarillo Firemen’s Relief and Retirement Fund Board of Trustees

10 a.m.: City Hall, Room 306, 601 S Buchanan St.

Appointment of the Mayor as board member and Oath of Office; consider approval of the Fund’s investment transactions from the previous month as presented by City Staff; summary of the Fund’s Revenue and Expenditures; Annual Financial Report; Actuarial Audit; Investment Performance; presentation and consideration of the Texas Pension Review Board Investment Practices and Performance Evaluation; payments; discuss items for the next actuarial study.

Amarillo Local Government Corporation

11:30 a.m.: City Hall – Room 306, 601 S. Buchanan

Project updates from City Staff or Project Representatives: Hodgetown, Embassy Suites, Parking Garage and Retail Space, discussion and consideration of the Panhandle Adult Rebuilding Center’s (PARC) request for rental of parking garage spaces for a special event; presentation and consideration of recommendation to City Council to approve a Commercial Contract to sell the Commercial Square Footage Portion of the LGC Parking Garage Located at 600 S. Buchanan to Llano Group, LLC; Long-Term Lease with Llano Group, LLC for LGC Parking Garage Parking Spaces Contingent on the City of Amarillo selling the Commercial Square Footage; 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget; executive session: purchase, exchange, lease, sell, or value of real property: negotiations for the retail space at the City-owned Parking Garage, and related issues.

Highland Park Independent School District

5:30 p.m.: Highland Park Administration Building, 15300 Amarillo Blvd. E.

Reports: finance, investments, budget amendments and donations, information from attorney, ESC, PRAD, TASA, TASB, TEA, 2023-2024 Budget and Tax Rate Information, 2023 Bond Project Update, Enrollment, 2023-24 Athletic, Employee, and Student Handbooks, High School Principal, Middle School Principal, Elementary Principal; consent agenda: approve expenditures, financial statements, budget amendments and donations; Potter County Adjunct Faculty and Extracuricular Status Request; Randall County Adjunct Faculty and Extracurricular Status Request; business items: designate TASB Delegate and Alternate, SSSP Threat Assessment Team; consideration and possible action regarding a resolution relating to Texas Education Code section 37.0814 and the requirement to ensure at least one armed security officer is present on every school district campus; 2023-2024 Student Code of Conduct; purchase of attendance credits (Option 3 Agreement); Fund Balance Assignments – GASB 54; final 2022-2023 budget amendments; addition of an authorized representative to Current Investment Pools and Bank Accounts; personnel; Board President and Superintendent Weekly Communication; TASA – TASB Convention Information for Sept. 29-Oct. 1.


East Gateway Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Two

12 p.m.: Amarillo City Hall, Room 306, 601 S. Buchanan

Discussion and consideration of the FY 23-24 TIRZ #2 Annual Budget; Quarterly Financials Report.

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