Nursery Equipment Program


The Nursery Equipment Program provides safe nursery equipment for vulnerable Victorian families where a safety concern has been identified by a Maternal and Child Health (MCH) nurse on the MCH safe sleeping checklist.

This includes the provision of free cots and child car seat restraints that comply with Australian Safety Standards.

For information on this checklist and MCH nurse visits, visit the Better Health ChannelExternal Link.


The program is open to all clients of the MCH service, both universal and enhanced, who meet the eligibility criteria. Your MCH nurse will let you know if you are eligible.

Changes to the Nursery Equipment Program

Acknowledging the importance of continuing the service for the Victorian community, the Department completed a competitive tender process to identify a new provider/partner.

The Department is pleased to announce that Kidsafe VictoriaExternal Link has been selected to deliver the program and provide cots and child restraints to families across Victoria.

After a 13-year partnership with the Department, Eastern Access Community Health (EACH) is stepping down from its role in delivering the program.

Kidsafe Victoria will assume full operation of the NEP from 1 November 2023. This includes fulfilling orders, and supplying and installing cots and car seats.

Kidsafe Victoria and the Department will work closely with EACH over the coming months to ensure a seamless transition.

The Department would like to thank EACH for their dedication, commitment, and contributions in delivering the program and supporting vulnerable families and children across the state.

Further information

Information will be provided to the MCH sector regarding any changes to NEP processes and training available to relevant staff.

Please note the updated NEP guidelines will be available from November 2023.

