Brute similiq ue an ius platonem mediocrem mea. Suas graecis concludaturque an duo, per odio singulis ea. Nec ea dicam ridens. Noster voluptaria intellegebat mel et, duis vocibus quaerendum pro
5 Most Happy Things in The World
At nec ancillae iudicabit, tota duo ei facete accusam. Suas graecis concludaturque an duo, per odio singulis ea. Nec ea dicam ridens. Noster voluptaria intellegebat mel et, duis vocibus quaerendum
Coronavirus latest: at a glance
A summary of the biggest developments in the global coronavirus outbreak Spain’s death rate continues to fall The country reported 399 deaths in 24 hours, lower than Sunday’s figure of
Healthcare workers confronted anti-lockdown protesters
The weekend has seen a spate of anti-lockdown protests across the US in Ohio, Michigan and Colorado. But a standout image by photographer Alyson McClaran came on Sunday from Denver,
Turning crap into gold
In the era of Covid-19, we’ve had to move away from bring-your-own containers and reusable coffee cups – composting can help ease the burden I have never laughed, cried and
The stress of giving birth under lockdown
Having a baby is always nerve-racking – and women now have unexpected worries to contend with. New mothers share their stories of ‘incredible’ midwives, and the joy and pain of
WHO warns that few have developed antibodies to Covid-19
Herd immunity hopes dealt blow by report suggesting only 2% -3% of people have been infected Only a tiny proportion of the global population – maybe as few as 2%
Will there be a second wave of coronavirus?
As countries ease lockdowns, the worry is that populations remain highly vulnerable With more countries planning to loosen restrictions imposed due to coronavirus but the UK prime minister, Boris Johnson,
Healthcare workers ‘should be screened for Covid-19 every week’
UK cancer specialist says leaving potentially infectious staff in hospitals is unethical Healthcare workers should be screened for Covid-19 every week to protect patients from asymptomatic infection, the head of
Precision Medicine Researchers Identify New Alzheimer’s Genes
Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine, in collaboration with scientists from the Alzheimer’s Disease Sequencing Project (ADSP), have discovered new genes that could contribute to the onset of Alzheimer’s