MarketingRx roundup: Pfizer debuts new ‘Menopause’ podcast… Leave a comment

The Pfiz­er-spon­sored third pod­cast sea­son of “Menopause Un­mut­ed” de­buted re­cent­ly with a new fo­cus. The can­did se­ries, be­gun in 2020, is led by Mary Jane Minkin, an OB-GYN and clin­i­cal pro­fes­sor at Yale med­ical school who al­so runs the ed­u­ca­tion­al “Madame Ovary” web­site.

Minkin has been lead­ing hon­est dis­cus­sions with women talk­ing about the ups and downs of their per­son­al menopause jour­neys, how­ev­er, for the new sea­son, she’s host­ing part­ners, fam­i­ly mem­bers and friends of women ex­pe­ri­enc­ing menopause to get their per­spec­tives.

“We’re look­ing for peo­ple to talk hon­est­ly about what it’s like to be on the out­side look­ing in,” she says in the pre-sea­son in­tro. “Did you know what they were go­ing through? Did they talk to you? How did it feel from your per­spec­tive?”

More than 80,000 peo­ple have down­loaded a Menopause Un­mut­ed episode since its launch.

An­nu­al con­sumer rank­ing of most in­no­v­a­tive brands puts Pfiz­er, Mod­er­na among the top in health

Brand Keys’ an­nu­al in­no­va­tion list is un­usu­al in the mar­ket­place in that re­searchers and ex­perts don’t eval­u­ate com­pa­nies, but in­stead al­low con­sumers to choose. Call­ing con­sumers the “ul­ti­mate ju­ry,” Robert Pas­sikoff, Brand Keys founder and pres­i­dent, added, in a press re­lease, that “their ex­pec­ta­tions are con­stant­ly on the rise and true in­no­va­tion takes place with­in that frame­work.”

Among health­care brands, it was a big win for Pfiz­er and Mod­er­na who land­ed at Nos. 1 and 3 re­spec­tive­ly in the top five sur­round­ed by more com­mon­ly known health and well­ness brands CVS Health (No. 2), Wal­greens (No. 4) and Fit­bit (No. 5).

More than 7,400 peo­ple even­ly split be­tween men and women chose the win­ners for 2022.

“Con­sumers rec­og­nize in­no­va­tion when they see it. More im­por­tant­ly when they feel it, which is what meet­ing ex­pec­ta­tions is about,” Pas­sikoff said. “That’s why the con­sumer per­spec­tive is so very im­por­tant. Brands that want their in­no­va­tion to en­gage need to be bet­ter primed to cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly meet ex­pec­ta­tions.”

Sanofi ap­peals non-prof­it me­di­a­tor’s sug­ges­tion to drop “#1” heart­burn med claim

Sanofi is push­ing back on a Na­tion­al Ad­ver­tis­ing Di­vi­sion de­ci­sion rec­om­mend­ing it dis­con­tin­ue its use of the phrase “#1 doc­tor rec­om­mend­ed” in its Zan­tac 360 pro­mo­tions. The de­ci­sion by the non-prof­it ar­biter in­side the BBB came af­ter the Sanofi TV and web­site claims were chal­lenged by John­son & John­son’s con­sumer di­vi­sion, which mar­kets com­pet­ing med Pep­cid.

NAD de­ter­mined that Sanofi’s use of IQVIA sur­vey da­ta to back its claims was “in­ad­e­quate sup­port” and rec­om­mend­ed that it stop us­ing a hand­ful of phras­es for Zan­tac 360° in­clud­ing:

“con­tains the #1 doc­tor-rec­om­mend­ed med­i­cine ap­proved to both pre­vent and re­lieve heart­burn”

“With the #1 doc­tor-rec­om­mend­ed heart­burn med­i­cine”

“#1 Doc­tor Rec­om­mend­ed”

Sanofi told the NAD it re­spect­ful­ly dis­agreed with its de­ci­sion and will ap­peal as it “dis­agrees with NAD’s con­clu­sions that the un­der­ly­ing IQVIA sur­vey can­not sub­stan­ti­ate doc­tor rec­om­mend­ed in­gre­di­ent claims.” The com­pa­ny added it al­so has con­cerns about the in­dus­try-wide ef­fect on in­gre­di­ent claims.

Deep­In­tent de­buts new phar­ma in­dus­try tools to ‘sim­pli­fy cam­paign plan­ning’

Health­care adtech Deep­In­tent is bundling up au­di­ence da­ta from a hand­ful of health sources to make me­dia plan­ning for phar­mas eas­i­er. Da­ta from Red-Da­ta, Med­Fuse, Health­Wise Da­ta, Prog­nos Health and LG Ads So­lu­tions TV view­er­ship is now avail­able on its “Au­di­ence Mar­ket­place” plat­form.

The adtech said more than two dozen phar­ma brands and agen­cies are now us­ing the plat­form.

Havas taps its own health­care agency net­work chief to over­see all cre­ative

Havas Health & You glob­al CEO Don­na Mur­phy has been tapped to lead Havas Cre­ative. She will con­tin­ue as health­care chief as Havas con­sol­i­dates lead­er­ship of health and cre­ative un­der Mur­phy. The move is part of Havas’ aim to sim­pli­fy its struc­ture.

“Bring­ing to­geth­er the ex­cep­tion­al glob­al brand lead­er­ship of Havas Health & You with the dy­nam­ic cre­ative tal­ent and unique blend of as­sets in the Cre­ative Group pro­duces some­thing tru­ly unique for our client part­ners and teams across the globe,” Mur­phy said in a press re­lease.


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