How we test our bags
iCool bags are tested at an ambient temperature of 24.2°C, which corresponds to the temperature found on airplanes. At this room temperature, they will keep your medications between 2 and 8°C for 12, 24 or 36 hours, depending on the model chosen. Please note that if you use the iCool bags at an ambient temperature higher than 24.2°C, they will not keep your medication between 2 and 8°C for as long as advertised.
MedActiv iCool bags
– A new freedom for patients MedActiv started a few years ago to develop solutions for the transport of fragile medications so that those suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes, polyarthritis or multiple sclerosis could travel with their medication.
Two brothers in France started the company after their medication was frozen in a hotel by accident. Millions of people around the world are trapped in their medications. MedActiv has become their partner with solutions that help them travel knowing their medication is kept at exactly the right temperature. MedActiv’s solutions range from simple insulated bags to solutions for the pharmaceutical industry to transport fragile molecules.
For people using Anti-TNF or polyarthritis drugs (Enbrel, Humira, Forsteo and Simponi) or any other fragile medication, MedActiv has developed the iCool range which keeps the medication between 2 and 8°C for 12, 24 or 36 hours. A simple innovation that radically changes the performance of a product. iCool bags are padded with padded materials in which frozen gelpacks are placed.
MedActiv’s gel packs are made with a specially formulated polymer that stays frozen twice as long as a traditional ice pack and does not “sweat” during thawing.
This MedActiv innovation allows a medication to be kept between 2 and 8°C for up to 36 hours, which is a record for this type of bag. The iCool bags are discreet and stylish and allow users to travel safely on long airplanes.
For the new generations of iCool bags, a team of engineers worked with a team of patients to rethink traditional solutions for carrying Humira, Enbrel, Forsteo and Simponi. “As a daily user of fragile medications, I was consistently disappointed with many of the products I purchased through traditional channels.
It was obvious to me that the people who designed these bags were not medication users themselves and did not understand my constraints. So I took the liberty of redesigning the bags so that they were perfect for us. The iCool bags are designed by patients for patients,” says Dr. Diegel, one of MedActiv’s two founding brothers.
Alisatair Magkankabodwe –
Un peu grosse, mais vraiment parfaite pour quand je vais en Australie. J’y ai mis 50 stylos d’insuline pour les amener là bas, et ça a bien tenu.
Alisatair Magkankabodwe –