Cedars-Sinai creates AI tool that can diagnosis cardiac function Leave a comment

Researchers from Los Angeles-based Cedars-Sinai developed an AI-based tool that performs better than sonographers when diagnosing cardiac function, according to an April 5 article published in Nature

Between June 1, 2019, and Aug. 8, 2019, researchers used the AI-based tool and 25 sonographers to assess images from 3,495 transthoracic echocardiogram studies. 

The researchers found that cardiologists’ decisions most closely aligned with the AI tool’s assessment of the images.

In addition, researchers said cardiologists had to make corrections to 16.8 percent of assessments made by the AI tool, compared to 27.2 percent of corrections needed for the sonographers.

Researchers said usage of this AI tool in the clinical setting could save cardiologists time and streamline workflows. 


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