IIT Kanpur, KGMU Lucknow announce SIB SHInE… Leave a comment

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur and King George’s Medical University (KGMU) Lucknow have announced the list of nine fellows for the inaugural batch of the DBT School of International Biodesign-Synergizing Healthcare Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SIB-SHInE) fellowship programme. The fellows will work towards developing indigenised MedTech devices and systems to uplift the healthcare ecosystem in India.


SIB-SHInE programme is a year-long full-time dedicated residential fellowship programme aimed at creating the next generation of biomedical entrepreneurs. The objective is to create a dynamic ecosystem to identify and nurture the next generation of biodesign innovators in developing disruptive and accessible technologies for the world. The SIB-SHInE Program is sponsored by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. 


The programme is based on the philosophy of 4Cs – Clinical Immersion, Conception, Creation and Corroboration. The batch of the selected nine innovation enthusiasts will scout critical biomedical problems by shadowing doctors, nurses and patients at KGMU Lucknow in the first three months of the programme, which will constitute the Clinical Immersion segment. The later three stages will be carried forward at IIT Kanpur.


Upon moving to the IIT Kanpur campus, the fellows will go through the Conception stage, where the conceptual basis will be formed based on the identified problems. In the Creation stage, the fellows will be guided to develop prototypes based on the findings. This will be followed by the final stage – Corroboration, where the prototypes will go through clinical trials for ascertaining efficacy. 


The programme will commence on September 1, 2022. 




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