Philips Foundation 2022 Annual Report: partnering to provide healthcare access Leave a comment


Philips Foundation Impact Investments B.V.

Set up in late 2021, Philips Foundation’s social impact investment vehicle, Philips Foundation Impact Investments B.V., has employed a comprehensive strategy to evaluate the possible scalability of health technology enterprises through investment, and by examining their overall preparedness to create significant change within the healthcare systems they serve. During 2022 it provided early-stage investment to eight social enterprises spread across East Africa, India and Latin America. These investments, supported by Philips’ health technology expertise, enabled the enterprises to accelerate their potential to provide sustained access to healthcare for underserved communities.

“Entrepreneurs working on providing healthcare services for underserved communities embody the essence of our commitment, driven by a mission to help bridge the vast inequality in healthcare access worldwide,” said Margot Cooijmans, Director of Philips Foundation and Philips Foundation Impact Investments B.V. “In the face of adversity and limited resources, they are leveraging digital technologies, performing early screening and testing, providing basic treatment or timely referral, and driving healthcare innovation for underserved populations.”

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