Santé : un gel pour régénérer les… Leave a comment

Santé : un gel pour régénérer les disques intervertébraux abîmés { const head = document.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0]; const script = document.createElement(‘script’); script.src = jsDefinition.src; if ( === ‘async’) { script.async = true; } if ( === ‘defer’) { script.defer = true; } if (typeof !== ‘undefined’ && { = } head.appendChild(script); }; window.gdprAppliesGlobally = true; (function () { var a = function (e) { if (!window.frames[e]) { if (document.body && document.body.firstChild) { var t = document.body; var n = document.createElement(‘iframe’); = ‘tc_iframe_580_1’; = ‘none’; = e; n.title = e; t.insertBefore(n, t.firstChild); } else { setTimeout(function () { a(e); }, 5); } } }; var e = function (n, r, o, c, s) { var e = function (e, t, n, a) { if (typeof n !== ‘function’) { return; } if (!window[r]) { window[r] = []; } var i = false; if (s) { i = s(e, t, n); } if (!i) { window[r].push({command: e, parameter: t, callback: n, version: a}); } }; e.stub = true; var t = function (a) { if (!window[n] || window[n].stub !== true) { return; } if (! { return; } var i = typeof === ‘string’; var e; try { e = i ? JSON.parse( :; } catch (t) { return; } if (e[o]) { var r = e[o]; window[n](r.command, r.parameter, function (e, t) { var n = {}; n[c] = {returnValue: e, success: t, callId: r.callId}; a.source.postMessage(i ? JSON.stringify(n) : n, ‘*’); }, r.version); } }; if (typeof window[n] !== ‘function’) { window[n] = e; if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener(‘message’, t, false); } else { window.attachEvent(‘onmessage’, t); } } }; e(‘__tcfapi’, ‘__tcfapiBuffer’, ‘__tcfapiCall’, ‘__tcfapiReturn’); a(‘__tcfapiLocator’); (function (e) { var t = document.createElement(‘script’); = ‘spcloader’; t.type = ‘text/javascript’; t.async = true; t.src = ‘’ + e + ‘/loader.js?target=’ + document.location.hostname; t.charset = ‘utf-8’; var n = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0]; n.parentNode.insertBefore(t, n); })(API_KEY); })(); window.didomiConfig = { app: { apiKey: API_KEY, tagManager: {provider: ‘commandersact’}, vendors: { google: { enable: true, eprivacy: true, passTargetingVariables: true } } } }; if ((document.location).toString().toLowerCase().indexOf((‘charte-donnees-personnelles-et-cookies’).toLowerCase()) != -1 || (document.location).toString().toLowerCase().indexOf((‘Politique-cookies’).toLowerCase()) != -1) { window.didomiConfig.notice = { enable: false, }; } window.didomiOnReady = window.didomiOnReady || []; window.didomiOnReady.push(function (Didomi) { window.tc_vars.didomiGDPRApplies = window.didomiState.didomiGDPRApplies; window.tc_vars.didomiIABConsent = window.didomiState.didomiIABConsent; window.tc_vars.didomiVendorsConsent = window.didomiState.didomiVendorsConsent; window.tc_vars.didomiVendorsConsentUnknown = window.didomiState.didomiVendorsConsentUnknown; window.tc_vars.didomiVendorsConsentDenied = window.didomiState.didomiVendorsConsentDenied; window.tc_vars.didomiPurposesConsent = window.didomiState.didomiPurposesConsent; window.tc_vars.didomiPurposesConsentUnknown = window.didomiState.didomiPurposesConsentUnknown; window.tc_vars.didomiPurposesConsentDenied = window.didomiState.didomiPurposesConsentDenied; window.tc_vars.didomiExperimentId = window.didomiState.didomiExperimentId; window.tc_vars.didomiExperimentUserGroup = window.didomiState.didomiExperimentUserGroup; if (Didomi.notice.isVisible()) { } else if (window.tc_vars.noReload !== true) { tclmn_script_reload(); } }, ); window.didomiEventListeners = window.didomiEventListeners || []; window.didomiEventListeners.push({ event: ‘consent.changed’, listener: function (context) { tclmn_script_reload(); }, }); tclmn_script_reload = function () { // Nécessaire pour éviter le renvoi d’un hit de pagevu à AT Internet lors du rappel du container ! window.tc_vars.noReload = true; var didomiConsentChangeEvent = new CustomEvent(‘didomiConsentChange’); window.dispatchEvent(didomiConsentChangeEvent); if (loadedJs === false) { for (let src of DEFER_JS_SRC) { load_js(src); loadedJs = true } } // Rappel des containers for (let src of TAGCO_CONTAINER_SRC) { load_js(src); } var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName(“iframe”); for (var i = 0; i { navigator.serviceWorker.register(‘/sw.js?282-7f0b30d586e8b58e38c37f0966a09e12cd65bb22’, { scope: ‘/’ }); navigator.serviceWorker.ready; }); } ]]>

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