Schroders introduces digital multi-asset portfolio in Thailand Leave a comment

Partnering with Thailand-based digital investment service provider Robowealth, Schroders Singapore today unveiled a new multi-asset portfolio.

The Schroders Growth & Income Solution is available exclusively on Robowealth’s “odini black” platform for Thailand investors.

“Digital investment is a fast-growing segment in Thailand, and overall assets under management in the sector is expected to accelerate in years to come,” said Lily Choh, CEO, Schroders Singapore.

Schroders’ Asian multi-asset team will advise Robowealth on dynamic asset allocation using forward-looking scenario analysis, to construct an open architecture portfolio of funds in the Thai onshore market.

Upon inception, the portfolio holds 50% equities, 35% bonds, and 6% in commodities (including gold), a Schroders spokesperson told FSA.

The portfolio may invest up to 90% each in equity and bonds, and up to 20% in gold and commodities. It can also hold up to 30% cash as temporary defensive positions to protect from adverse market conditions, according to the asset manager.

The expected fund size, the top holding sectors, and regions were not disclosed.

“Wealth inequality is a growing challenge in Thailand, which can be partly attributed to a lack of investment knowledge by the general population,” said Pasu Liptapanlop, co-founder, Robowealth. “As such, Robowealth has developed an intuitive investment application to help address this challenge.”

The minimum investment for the fund is THB500,000 ($14,889).

Schroders Singapore and Thailand-based Robowealth formed a strategic partnership to launch wealth tech products, services and educational content for Thai retail investors in September last year.

The partnership will continue to provide for future joint product development of wealth solutions, using a combination of onshore and offshore funds, to provide Thai investors with more investment options, said the asset manager.


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